Knockwood is…

A recording studio, a composition suite, a teaching space, a creative hub, and much more. Knockwood was built by Jolon Yeoman, a recording engineer, mixer & producer, and Duncan Jones, a multi-instrumentalist composer, artist, producer and teacher.

Knockwood was designed to be a different kind of recording space where the artist and their ideas are put above everything else. The studio is setup to allow for ideas to be captured as soon as they can be imagined. Featuring a collection of some of the finest instruments, microphones and recording gear available, these ideas can be captured at a moment’s notice in the highest quality.

The goal of Knockwood is to support and enrich our creative scene in Leith as well as welcome visitors from far and wide into our diverse community. Knockwood intends to make creating music more accessible and affordable so that everyone has the chance to bring their ideas to life.

Our rates are some of the most competitive in Scotland. More about our services and rates can be found here.

We hope to see you soon!

Knockwood can…

  • Record

    Have a song or idea you want to take further and record? I can help you turn your ideas into recorded tracks. I can have as much or as little influence on the production, style and arrangement as you like. I can help you write and piece together parts and choose sounds or I can just set up mics and hit record for the tracks you already have arranged.

    - Jolon

  • Mix

    Already have your track recorded and want to take it to the next level? I can mix your track into a clear and ‘vibey’ song. I can make the song translate and stand out on multiple playback devices and cut through whether it’s being played on a top of the market hi-fi or on a phone speaker.

    - Jolon

  • Teach

    Knockwood is a relaxed space which encourages learning and creativity. Whether you have just picked up a guitar for the first time or have been playing in bands for years and want to take your skills further I can tailor lessons to suit your needs.

    - Duncan

  • And more...

    Knockwood is a creative hub our services go beyond recording & mixing. To read more about the services we offer have a look at our services page.

Website designed by Jolon Yeoman & Duncan Jones. Photos by Lewis Baillie

Many thanks to our friends and family who have made Knockwood possible.

Please note Knockwood Studio is a collective project and itself is not a business. Although collaboration is frequent each member of the Knockwood Team & House Band operates as an independent freelancer. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.