• Do you offer discounts when booked in bulk?

    The recording rates are set to be as affordable as possible so discounting isn’t possible for recording.

    However, discounts are available on mixing when booked for 4 songs or more. See the mixing section of the services page for more info.

  • Do you record and mix analog or digitally?

    We use a mixture of both, though depending on the project we may lean more towards one or the other. We always use real instruments and microphones as well as high quality boutique pre-amps. When recording digitally we use a Universal Audio X16 Analog-To-Digital convertor, known for its crystal clear conversion that preserves the dynamic and harmonic quality of your performance.

  • How long does it normally take to complete a song?

    It changes depending on the complexity of the song being recorded but we normally expect a single to take 2 days+ mixing. Larger projects can be completed in less time per-song as setup times are reduced.

  • Do you have a drum kit?

    Yes! We have a full acoustic drum kit available with multiple choices for cymbals and snare.

  • I'm a songwriter but I don't play the instruments I want to record. Can I make music?

    Yes. We have a network of top-notch session musicians who can play anything from drums, bass and guitar to violin, flute and even the spoons!

  • I only need to record one or two instruments, can I book in the studio for less than a whole day?

    Yes. Half days (4 hours) can be booked in the studio for recording and cost £80.

  • Why is recording charged per day, but mixing per track?

    I find the best results with mixing come when the task is done without a strict time limit, allowing for me to mix, listen, tweak, listen and so on over the course of a few days.

    Discounts are available for bookings of multiple songs.

If you have any further questions please get in touch by emailing: